Providing holistic health & fitness in Port Macquarie
At Moving to Health Studio, we are committed to helping improve your general wellbeing through a range of classes, natural therapies and services.
By developing an individualised treatment plan, we intend to inspire and motivate you to make positive lifestyle changes to improve your physical and emotional health & wellbeing.
This is achieved using massage and Reiki Therapy, Yoga, Senior “Active For Life” exercises, Tai Chi, Pilates and Posture ball classes.
Work at your own pace. All classes and massage sessions are 1 hour in duration. We cater to individuals needs in all our classes and can accommodate 1 to 5 people in the exercise sessions
Using friendly encouragement, Joan will educate and help you get your life and health in order.
Get in touch to book an appointment. Health fund rebates are available.
Joan has extensive experience in remedial deep tissue massage which helps to relieve joint and muscular restrictions, stiffness or spasms and promotes blood circulation by manipulating the affected areas. If you have an injury or constant aches or pain this treatment is perfect for you. If you’re suffering from sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder, headaches or muscle strain, remedial massage could be for you.
Health fund rebates available for Massage & Reiki treatment. Get in touch to book an appointment
Massage helps to:
- Relax muscles and ease movement of joints
- Improve circulation
- Speed up the elimination of waste
- Aid digestion
- Stimulate the lymphatic system

Reiki is a powerful, non-intrusive natural healing therapy. During a reiki treatment session healing energy is transferred from the practitioner to the client to enhance their body’s own natural healing ability, and to help bring into balance and harmony the energy flowing within the client.
If you’re suffering from any type of pain, whether physical or emotional, then your energy flow can become stagnant, blocked or agitated. This condition can lead to physical or emotional health problems. As a Master Reiki practitioner Joan can help you to balance and harmonize the flow of energy throughout your body, mind and emotions to facilitate healing.
Reiki can be used as a means of relaxation, to relieve feelings of anxiety and stress. Many people who have a reiki treatment experience clarity, calmness, relaxation and peacefulness.
Meditation helps to calm your busy mind and provide insight into the inner workings of your emotions. One of the benefits of regular meditation practice is to help you be grounded in the present moment and not reliving the past or worrying about the future.
Through meditation you can gain a greater understanding of life and experience inner peace, lasting happiness and a spiritual awakening to complete self-awareness.
Joan leads a guided meditation group session at Moving to Health Studio once a week to help you learn how to let go of stress or anxiety and focus on breathing techniques and relaxation.
Joan is also the Author and Narrator of two guided meditation CD’s which you can use at home to practice the techniques.

At Moving to Health Studio, each yoga move can be adapted to suit your individual needs, limitations or requirements.
Joan’s yoga sessions are aimed at:
- Improving mobility & flexibility
- Reducing stress & anxiety
- Promoting improved sleep

In the studio we practice Hatha Yoga which is a gentler form of yoga suitable for people who may not be comfortable in a regular yoga class. Regardless of your physical limitations you will learn to perform each pose and become aware of how it targets specific areas of your body, releasing tightness and restrictions.
Together we’ll work to reach your goals and gain balance in your wellbeing.
Starting off slowly with the basics, we’ll create a safe stretching program for you, which you can work through at your own pace.
People who practice yoga find that they are stronger, more open-minded and have a greater sense of contentment within.
Pilates gentle exercise movements help you focus on any body weakness in order to strengthen, balance and realign your body and promote lean, toned muscles for a stronger, flexible body.
Pilates was initially created to rehabilitate injured dancers and has since become a leading exercise therapy. It mainly focuses on:
- Core strength
- Controlled flowing movements
- Mind and body control
- Flexibility
Pilates is a mind and body experience suitable for all ages and fitness levels. The gentle movements condition the core stabilising muscles of the spine and abdomen to improve posture to prevent injury and allow your painless freedom of movement.
Working one-on-one, we will develop a plan to ensure you benefit from all Pilates techniques. You will learn the necessary breathing and stretching methods to engage the correct muscles and achieve your goals.
At Moving to Health Studio, we recommend you use Pilates in conjunction with our Postural Ball classes to assist with the overall strength and mobility of your spine and core stabilising muscles.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient chinese principle that integrates mind, body and soul. It is a safe form of exercise where you flow through a series of continuous movements which resemble slow ballet. It is practiced for it’s therapeutic benefits which include:
- Promoting Balance and Coordination
- Reducing Stress through Deep Breathing
- Easing Arthritis Pain
The main focus of Tai Chi is the breath and improving the internal flow of energy (chi) throughout your body.
Joan will guide you through the session paying close attention to your form as you enhance your sense of health & wellbeing.
Gentle "Active For Life" Exercise
At Moving to Health this class is the right mix of gentle warm up and conditioning movements together with light resistance training and core strengthening exercises for the beginner or mature participant.
Regularly doing resistance training helps prevent osteoporosis and increases bone mineral density, while the gentle conditioning exercises help to:
- Increase blood circulation and mental vigour
- Enhance your vitality
- Improve reaction time
So you can perform your daily tasks easier.
With obesity and depression on the increase we really need to make the effort to keep “MOVING TO HEALTH”.

Posture Ball

Large balls have been utilised by therapists since the 1960’s to
- Increase spine flexibility and strength
- Improve balance and posture
At Moving to Health the posture ball classes are suitable for all ages or level of fitness and each exercise can be adapted to your individual needs or physical limitations.
The gentle exercises on the ball help to condition the core stabilising muscles of the spine and abdomen to improve posture, to prevent injury and allow for painless freedom of movement of your body.